The stripey bikes of Riding Mill (5)
"The village of Riding Mill has hung out the flags in anticipation of the fifth stage of the Tour of Britain which is due to pass through the village on 10th September 2015. The practice of installing yellow bicycles along the route appears to have its origin in the British stages of the Tour de France in 2014. Here, the one departure from the norm is that the bikes in Riding Mill (and also in Haydon Bridge) are not pure yellow but painted in red and yellow stripes, those being the colours of the Northumberland flag. Another discrepancy is that the display of flags and banners at the western end of Riding Mill are facing west - away from the direction of travel of the Tour." Photo by Oliver Dixon, 2015. -
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Resource type: Image
Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 7 years, 8 months ago
Viewed: 632 times
Picture Taken: 2015-08-27 -
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