Image from page 11 of "A natural history of foreign birds" (1820)
Identifier: McGillLibrary-PN970_D39_B49_1820_v_1_001249236-1905 Title:">A natural history of foreign birds Year:">1820 (">1820s) Authors:">Bewick, Thomas,1753-1828">Davison, William,1780-1858,printer Subjects:">Birds -- Pictorial works.">Chapbooks -- Specimens.">McGill University Library Digitized Title">McGill Library's Chapbook Collection">Birds">Chapbooks Publisher:">Alnwick : Printed and sold wholesale and retail by W. Davison Contributing Library:">McGill University Library View Book Page:" >Book Viewer About This Book:" >Catalog Entry View All Images:">All Images From Book Click here to" >view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book. Text Appearing Before Image: THE CASSOWARY. The cassowary is next in size to the ostrich, butof a different nature. His wings are hardly per-ceptible, being very short, and entirely concealedunder the plumage. The general tint of his fea-thers is brown, with some spots of vermilion red;his head is small and depressed, with a hornycrown ; the head and neck are deprived of feathers,and only set with a kind of hairy down. Thecassowary eats indiscriminately whatever comesin his way, and does not seem to have any sort ofpredilection for any kind of food. He is a nativeof the southern parts of India. A S 6 Text Appearing After Image: THE DODO. This creature strikes the imagination as one ofthe most unwieldy and inactive in nature. Itsround and massive body is barely supported upontwo short thick legs* like pillars; while its neckand head rise from it in a manner truly grotesque.The bill is of an extraordinary length, of a bluishwhite colour, and resembling, in its formation, twopointed spoons laid together by the backs. Fromall this results a stupid and voracious aspect, stillfurther increased by a border of feathers round thebeak, which forms a sort of hood, and completesthis picture of stupid deformity. It is a native ofthe Isle of France. The Dutch, who first disco-vered it, called it the nauseous bird from its dis-gusting figure, and the bad taste of its flesh. \ THE VULTURE. This cruel, unclean, and indolent bird, thoughtotally unknown in England, is common in manyparts of Europe ; and in Egypt, Arabia, and manyother kingdoms of Africa and Asia, vultures arefound in great abundance. In Egypt, and parti-cularl Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work. -
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Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 7 years, 9 months ago
Viewed: 814 times
Picture Taken: 1825-01-01T00:00:00 -
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