Image from page 417 of "A general history of quadrupeds : the figures engraved on wood" (1800)
Identifier: generalhistoryof00bewi Title:">A general history of quadrupeds : the figures engraved on wood Year:">1800 (">1800s) Authors:">Bewick, Thomas, 1753-1828">Beilby, Ralph, 1744-1817 Subjects:">Mammals Publisher:">Newcastle upon Tyne, S. Hodgson, R. Beilby, & T. Bewick Contributing Library:">University of Pittsburgh Library System Digitizing Sponsor:">Lyrasis Members and Sloan Foundation View Book Page:" >Book Viewer About This Book:" >Catalog Entry View All Images:">All Images From Book Click here to" >view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book. Text Appearing Before Image: nknown in Paleftine. It is alfo the Moufe men-tioned in Ifaiah*; Achbar, in the original, fignifying aJerboa. The Jerboa is eafily tamed, is fond of warmth, aridfeems to be fenfible of the approach of bad weather bywrapping itfelf up clofe in hay. Among the Mongol Tartars, this animal is called theAlaghtaaga.—It is fuppofed to be the Two-footed Moufcyand the Egyptian Moufe of the ancients, which were faidto walk on their hind legs. It makes its neft of the fineft and moll delicate her-bage ; rolls itfelf up, with its head between its thighs;and fleeps during the winter, without taking any nutri-ment. When purfued, it fprings fo nimbly, that its feetfcarcely feem to touch the ground. It does not goItraight forward, but turns here and there till it gains aburrow, where it quickly fecretes itfelf.—In leaping, itcarries its tail ftretched out; but in Handing or walking,carries it in the form of an S, the lower part touching the ground. * Chap. Ixvi. ver. 17. HISTORY OF QUADRUPEDS. 399 Text Appearing After Image: THE MARMOT, [Mus MarmotOy Lin.—La Marmottey BufF.) Has been placed by naturalifts In the fame clafs with theHare and the Rat; and on examining its parts, we finda partial agreement with both thefe animals. In its nofeand lips, as well as in the general form of its head, itrefembles the Hare ; its ears are like thofe of tlie Rat,with which it llkewife agrees in the number and formof its teeth and claws : In other refpedts, it is no wayfimilar to either of thofe kinds ; and is ftill farther fepa-rated from them by habitudes which feem peculiar to it-felf, and diftinguifh it from almoft every other fpecies ofquadrupeds. The Marmot inhabits the higheft regions of the Alps;and is likewife found in Poland, Ukraine, and ChinefeTartary. It is fomewhat lefs than a Hare: Its ears are round,and fo fliort, that they are almoft hid in the fur; its tailis fhort and bufhy ; the hair on the back is of a brown-i{h-afh colour; and that on the belly reddifh, foft, andbufhy. Its voice refembles the mur Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work. -
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Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 7 years, 9 months ago
Viewed: 817 times
Picture Taken: 1825-01-01T00:00:00 -
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