St. Mungo's Church, Simonburn - monuments
"At the east end of the south aisle are these early 17th C monuments to Cuthbert Ridley and his son Alban. Cuthbert Ridley was Rector of Simonburn in early Stuart times, from 1604 to 1627 (James I and Charles I) and is portrayed as a bearded figure wearing ruff and priest's gown. His son (whose statue is headless) is shown in jerkin and tight breeches. Between them kneels a curly-haired boy. {Source: "Visitor Notes to the Parish Church of St. Mungo, Simonburn".}" Photo by Mike Quinn, 2012. -
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Resource type: Image
Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 7 years, 10 months ago
Viewed: 642 times
Picture Taken: 2012-08-08 -
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