Plaque in wall, Waren Mill
"This plaque, which I'm presuming dates from 1925 details the development of the mill on this site. The mill building itself is grade 2 listed and has been converted into apartments. The plaque reads: WAREN MILL 1925 WAS CONNECTED WITH THE ROYAL SAXON CITY OF BAMBURGH IN PRE NORMAN TIMES 1187 HISTORICALLY MENTIONED 1605 MILL RACE WAS DERELICT 1788 ADMIRALTY ERECTED MILL FOR WATSON IN RESPONSE TO FARMERS REQUEST FOR AN OUTLET FOR THEIR WHEAT 1819 STEAM INSTALLED FOR GREGSON 1865 HEIGHTENED AND ENLARGED FOR NAIRN 1881 BURNT ON DECEMBER 21ST 1888 RESTORED BY BROWNE (OWNER) FOR SHORT 1918 MACHINERY INSTALLED BY SHORT (OWNER) 1921 MALTING COMPLETED BY SHORT " Photo by Graham Robson, 2013. -
Graham Robson -
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Resource type: Image
Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 7 years, 10 months ago
Viewed: 696 times
Picture Taken: 2013-09-18 -
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