Historic Environment Survey for the National Trust Properties in Northumberland – The Farne Islands
Report, 2010 by Archaeo Environment Ltd. "The Farne Islands comprise 28 islands off the coast of Northumberland; many of which are just bare rock submerged at high tide (Graham 1972, 3). The National Trust holds 21 of the 28 islands; the largest being Inner Farne (6.8 hectares), Brownsman (5.84 hectares) and Staple (4.64 hectares), and the smallest being Blue Caps at just 0.02 hectares...." -
National trust / Archaeo Environment Ltd -
Local (Co-Curate) -
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Further information
Link: http://www.aenvironment.co.uk/downloads/Farne%20Island%20Management%20Plan.pdf
Resource type: Text/Website
Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 7 years, 11 months ago
Viewed: 882 times
Picture Taken: Unknown -
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