500 years on .......
"The John Fairnington Garden - "The Cement Menagerie" - is on land by Flodden Field: my visit was on the 500th anniversary of that dreadful battle. The garden was ahead of its time in 'green-ness', recycling as much as possible - the cement shapes were made from chicken-wire stuffed with old newspaper or whatever was to hand; the flower-beds are mainly edged with upturned empty glass bottles." Photo by Barbara Carr, 2013. -
Barbara Carr -
Geograph (Geograph) -
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Link: http://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/3648568
Resource type: Image
Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 8 years ago
Viewed: 575 times
Picture Taken: 2013-09-09 -
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