Bathing Beechams
Dressed in the popular ''sailor suits'', the children in this photograph seem to be enjoying themselves in the waves. Behind them are the wheeled bathing huts, which judging by the large advertising boards that cover them, appear to be sponsered by Beechams Pills, a popular ''cure-all'' from the 19th century. While almost universal advertising may seem like a very modern concept, the Victorians were masters at it, as walls were sometimes covered with posters and plaquards. Of the many companies that promoted their products this way, Beecham's was one of the most recognisable, benefitting from the increasing awareness and accessibility of medicininal products in the latter half of the 19th century. Unlike most cure-alls, Beechams also appeared to work. Photograph Collection Number 668 -
Museum of Hartlepool -
Hartlepool Museum (Flickr) -
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Last modified: 7 years, 12 months ago
Viewed: 830 times
Picture Taken: Unknown -
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