St Bartholomew's Church, Newbiggin by the Sea
Official website of the church. Includes a page on its hisory; "...The town was originally called South Wallerick. After the Danish invasion in AD 875 the town was re-named Neubegang or Newbegining, with several different spellings until we have the present Newbiggin. There is evidence of an ancient Saxon Chapelry here. This chapel of ease is supposed to have been built by the monks of Lindisfarne and used by them in their mission to Northumbria and also on their journeys to and from Tynemouth Priory and Whitby. Present church has thirteenth century origins. Once the 'daughter' church in the parish of Woodhorn with Newbiggin, St. Bartholomew's was made the 'mother' church of the parish when St. Mary's, Woodhorn was declared redundant in 1973. St. Bartholomew's is in a remarkably impressive situation away from the town, in a treeless churchyard very close to the sea. [The Newcastle Diocesan Gazetteer (1982), page 118.]..." -
St Bartholomew's Church, Newbiggin by the Sea -
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Added by: Pat Thomson
Last modified: 8 years, 3 months ago
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