Haughton Castle (Humshaugh)
"Haughton Castle dates back to at least the 14th century, when it was fortified. It was first called a castle in 1373 when the original tower house was heightened and turrets were added together with parapet walks. At this time the castle was owned by Gerald Widdrington and, although it was still owned by the Widdringtons in the early 14th century, the Swinburns were living in it. By the 16th century the castle seems to have been falling into disrepair and ruin and an attack by Border reivers in 1541 saw nine horses and goods worth £40 stolen from it....." -
Keys to the Past (Durham & Northumbria County Councils) -
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Link: http://www.keystothepast.info/article/10339/Site-Detailsx?PRN=N9294
Resource type: Text/Website
Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 8 years, 4 months ago
Viewed: 767 times
Picture Taken: Unknown -
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