Holy Trinity and St. Mary's Church, Berwick-upon-Tweed
Official Website of the Church. "The Parish of Holy Trinity and St. Mary is the most northerly parish in England, taking in the land north of the River Tweed estuary to the border with Berwickshire in Scotland. The boundary is co-terminus with that of the "Liberties of Berwick", the Bounds of which have been ridden on horseback on May Day of each year for several hundred years. The church is part of Norham Deanery, which also contains the Holy Island of Lindisfarne, and is in the Diocese of Newcastle...." -
Holy Trinity and St. Mary's Church -
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Further information
Link: http://www.berwickparishchurch.btik.com/
Resource type: Text/Website
Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 8 years, 7 months ago
Viewed: 733 times
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