Building Hill
Building Hill - right, here we go...... Hill at S end of Mowbray Park, on top of which the statue of Gen Havelock now sits (hero of Indian Mutiny). The hill was an outcrop of Magnesian Limestone (Upper Mag Limestone, the Concretionary Limestone Formation if you want both barrels!) that copyholders (townspeople of Sunderland who leased the rights to quarry) dug and blasted out for their own use. This rock can be recognised in many old walls and bits of building in the old town centre area (Andy Lane 2008/9, unwritten and unpublished as yet!!!). The limestone is very rough, so was rarely used to front buildings - not posh enough!). Quarrying took place between the late 1700's and the early 1850's, when the Council took over the rights and extended Mowbray Park over the area (See Sandra Lane's paper - published in a recent Sunderland Antiquarian's journal - on the opening of the Park extension which was completed by 1857 and officially opened in 1866). The quarry rubble was moulded and landscaped into a series of banks and hollows. One such bank is now topped by a monument to another of Sunderland's heroes, Jack Crawford. Thanks to Andy for the info (Sunderland University Prof of Geology retired) -
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Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 8 years, 1 month ago
Viewed: 1124 times
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