War Memorial - "The Response"
A large and striking memorial consisting of a rusticated granite screen on which is mounted a high relief depiction of soldiers responding to the call-up for the First World War, modelled virtually in the round from black bronze. Two drummer boys lead the procession and further back are scenes of men taking leave of their wives and children who are torn between distress and patriotic fervour. The expectant soldiers and anxious loved-ones are portrayed with sympathetic naturalism, whilst the relief is given dynamic impetus by the crush to the left of the composition around the flag and figure of 'Renown', who flies above the crowd with raised trumpet. - See more at: http://www.pmsa.org.uk/pmsa-database/9476/#sthash.SrSXcYRt.dpuf" >www.pmsa.org.uk/pmsa-database/9476/#sthash.SrSXcYRt.dpuf -
Pete Reed -
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Resource type: Image
Added by: Pat Thomson
Last modified: 8 years, 2 months ago
Viewed: 882 times
Picture Taken: Unknown -
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