Irish Migration 19th Century. Newcastle and Weetslade.
"This essay aims to look at the Irish in the Nineteenth century with reference to King (1994). and Thompson (1991) who wrote ‘There was a great deal of inter-marriage. And it is not the friction but the relative ease with which the Irish were obsorbed into working-class communities.’ (Thompson, 1991, p.480). looking at the push and pull factors of migration, what the people were leaving behind and what there was to attract them into a new area. The Irish that settled in Britain concentrated mostly in the industrial midlands and in the north, in Cheshire, Lancaster, York and Northumberland, with Scotland the Irish mostley congregated in the Glasgow region also Aberdeen, Dunndee and Edinburgh. (Davis, 1991, p.20). How the Irish were obsorbed into local communities using several Irish families I have found in the 1861 C.E.B in the area of Weetslade and my own family which migrated to England at this time...." -
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