Paratroopers on Exercise in Northumberland
Soldiers from D Company, 3rd Battalion Parachute Regiment (3 PARA) during live firing training on Otterburn ranges in Northumberland. Paratroopers competed against each other to be the best, while celebrating one of The Parachute Regiment's heroes. The McKay VC Competition saw sections from 3rd Battalion The Parachute Regiment (3 PARA) put through paces around the arduous terrain of the Otterburn Ranges in Northumbria. The contest saw troops in full battle rig take part in a 15km night navigation exercise including stands testing their signalling, medical and parachute packing skills; an assault course; and live fire section attacks. The competition honours the memory of Sergeant Ian McKay, who was awarded a posthumous Victoria Cross for his "outstanding selflessness, perseverance and courage" during the Falklands War in 1982. Sgt McKay VC was killed during the assault on Mount Longdon when he attacked an Argentine position alone and under heavy fire. ------------------------------------------------------- © Crown Copyright 2014 Photographer: Sgt Si Longworth RLC (Phot) Image 45158242.jpg from" > Use of this image is subject to the terms and conditions of the MoD News Licence at" > For latest news visit" > Follow us:" >" > -
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Added by: Pat Thomson
Last modified: 8 years, 2 months ago
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