Newcastle Lying in Hospital
In the autumn of 1760, a subscription was commenced for the establishment of a Lying-in Hospital in Newcastle, for poor married women... A house, taken in Rosemary Lane for the purposes of the institution, was opened on December 3d following, for the admission of pregnant women; and which Mrs. Sarah Hudson was licensed to keep, at the quarter sessions held in the Mansion House January 12, 1774, when she was enjoined to fix and keep up, over the door or public entrance of the hospital, in large letters, the following words:—"Licensed for the public reception of pregnant women, pursuant to an act of parliament passed in the 13th year of the reign of George III."... Mr. Thomas Elliott, surgeon to this hospital, transmitted, on January 1,1819, to the trustees of the charity, a donation of five pounds for the commencement of a fund in aid of the purchasing, constructing, or renting, as the case might require, hospital premises in Newcastle upon Tyne suitable for the reception of poor married women lying-in.... At a general and quarterly court of the governors and subscribers, held on April the 7th following, a series of resolutions was unanimously adopted, for the furtherance of the scheme proposed by Mr. Elliott, in honour of whom it was agreed to call the collection of moneys Elliott's Fund. The progressive accumulation of this fund encouraged the subscribers, on receiving notice to quit the premises in Rosemary Lane, to resolve on the construction of an hospital. In order to facilitate the execution of this benevolent design, the corporation granted a most convenient and eligible scite of ground, fronting New Bridge Street, and which had been resigned by the Literary and Philosophical Society. The elevations, details, and specifications of the several works of the new hospital, were all gratuitously supplied by Mr. Dobson, architect. It is a remarkably chaste, plain, and substantial stone building, in the style of English architecture that prevailed about the end of the reign of Henry VIII." > -
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Added by: Simon Cotterill
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