This fountain was installed in Marsden Park in 1929 following two years of discussions between the local branch of the BWTA and the Marsden Urban District Council. As with all temperance movements active in the late Victorian and early Edwardian era the task in hand was the betterment of the labouring classes through total abstinence from the demons of alcoholic drink. Few total bans ever work, education is surely a preferable option to absolutism and despite the intentions involved I doubt if the good women of Marsden's BWTA branch could walk among us today that they would feel theirs or their successors efforts have had much success. Simon Armitage the northern poet hails from Marsden and I see on the notice behind the fountain that the President of the local branch of the British Women's Temperance Movement in 1929 was a certain Mrs. Armitage. Newcastle Brown Ale was founded in at exactly the same time that the Marsden branch of the BWTA began planning their fountain, but unlike the British Woman's Temperance Association Newcastles' noble tipple marches on from strength to strength! The BWTA was founded in Newcastle-upon-Tyne in 1876 by that most active social reformer; Margaret Bright Lucas. -
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Added by: Pat Thomson
Last modified: 8 years, 2 months ago
Viewed: 1757 times
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