Tom hardy
This is where my mam first worked as a nurse it is the Newcastle General Hospital she first worked there in a bout 1990. This was the entrance to the casualty department and up stairs is the Orthopaedic ward 35 where she worked full time. Lots of really poorly people came here following road traffic accidents it was great to make them better. Once a person came in after being knocked over by a lorry they were very injured having broken most of their bones in their legs and pelvis they were in for six months and made a brilliant recovery. All accidents which happened in Newcastle came here and once someone who had fallen off a ride at the Hoppings fairground and had caught their hair in the big wheel although not badly injured she was in massive shock. -
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Resource type: Image
Added by: Thomas Hardy
Last modified: 8 years, 1 month ago
Viewed: 1229 times
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