My shared history of the rising sun country park
In this picture you can see me stood up a tree at the rising sun country park during the summer holidays. The reason I hose this picture is because it shows what my favourite thing to do at the park is .Climbing trees! My story from the park is when my older brother ,who was 4 at the time, liked petting the horses; On this particular day he was wearing a yellow top .My dad lifted him up so he could stroke the horse and as he was petting it the horse had bit a hole in his shirt as it thought it was hay! We walk to the rising sun quite often as it is nearby our house and we all have fun there. When my mum was my age the rising sun was there but there was no park or activity center ,just a walking path and the lake.we believe that the park is what really made the rising sun so popular.Overall the rising sun is a great place to go far a day out in the winter or summer making it a known place to most of Tyneside. -
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Resource type: Image
Added by: Ellen Patterson
Last modified: 8 years ago
Viewed: 1303 times
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