world war 2 tank
my nanna work on the world war tanks in world war2 along with my grandad thats how they met 1. How old where you when you started driving tanks for the worldwar2? 1. about 17/18. 2. What made you want to start drivng the tanks? 2. There was a war and i didn't really have a chocice 3. Where did you live at the time of the war? 3. Newcastle Goshforth. 4. Where do you live now? 4. I still live in goshforth this is my nanna's story The night i met Teigan's grandad it was in the middle of the war and i was in a pub in London. An American man came over to me and asked if he could get me a drink. I refused as he was American, And at the time England was at war with the American's afterwards not realizing the American man was Clarke Gable (a very famous film star but he was not famous at the time). Then i met Teigan's garndad. My nanna cleaned troop carries out to war. Witch were often covered in blood. -
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Added by: Teigan Walton
Last modified: 10 years ago
Viewed: 704 times
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