The Ghost at Souter Lighthouse

  • Description

    In 1838, Grace Darling earned her reputation as the country's most celebrated maritime heroine when she rescued crew members of a sinking ship in treacherous conditions. More than 160 years later, her niece, Isobella Darling, is still making her presence felt. Staff have reported spoons levitating, cold spots and the feeling of being physically grabbed, with much of the activity reportedly taking place in the kitchen and living areas. They have also commented on the strong odour of tobacco in the kitchen corridor, and also in the area around the recreated Keeper’s Cottage. A waitress was also surprised to spot at the far end of the kitchen corridor a man in an old-fashioned lighthouse keeper’s uniform, who then promptly disappeared. Ghost story: This Location has so many ghost stories. One of the main ghost stories are of a young girl who is said to have been seennear the engine room. People have reported her crying and others have heard there names been called by a young female voice could it be that of Isobella Darling, niece of Grace Darling who is one of the most celebrated maritime heroines of all time. Staff have reported spoons levitating, cold spots and the feeling of being physically grabbed, with much of the activity reportedly taking place in the kitchen and living areas. A waitress was also surprised to spot at the far end of the kitchen corridor a man in an old-fashioned lighthouse keeper's uniform, who then promptly disappeared. Could it be a former keeper who is responsible for the odor of tobacco experienced many times?
  • Owner

    alone in the dark entertainment
  • Source

    Local (Co-Curate)
  • License

    What does this mean? Unknown license check permission to reuse
  • Further information

    Resource type: Text/Website
    Added by: Max Mellor
    Last modified: 9 years, 9 months ago
    Viewed: 2136 times
    Picture Taken: Unknown
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