Souter Lighthouse Facts
Souter Lighthouse was built on the North east coast on Lizard Point in 1871 by James Douglass. Originally it was going to be built on Souter Point but Lizard Point's cliffs were higher than Souter Point's so they saved money on the height of the lighthouse. Even though it still cost £8000 which now is £365,600. In the end it all payed off because the *Carbon Arc light saved many lives and ships. *The idea behind a carbon arc light / lamp is that electricity "likes" to jump from one piece of carbon to another, creating an arc of electricity in mid-air. The tips of the carbon rods start to heat up more and more, and eventually to the point where they produce A LOT of light. -
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Added by: Max Mellor
Last modified: 10 years, 1 month ago
Viewed: 1211 times
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