WW2 Secret Radio Station
This was part of the "Secret Army" that Churchill sanctioned during WW2. Men were trained to operate guerrilla warfare on the Germans after an invasion, and around the country Operational Bases and Radio Stations were concealed underground. They were meant to be blown up after the war, but not all were. This one is a Radio Station in the Alnwick area and is in perfect condition. The ante room through the door is where the equipment was, the large round black hole is an escape tunnel which ran for 40 yards or so. The idea was that a local spy, who wouldn't have known of the existance of the station, would have been instructed to put information in a tennis ball and drop it into a hole under a particular stone. Unknow to the spy, the ball then ran down pipes into the radio station. On this one the pipes exist and you can even see the wire that formed the aerial going up a tree. http://www.btinternet.com/~david.waller/radio_in_teesside.htm" >www.btinternet.com/~david.waller/radio_in_teesside.htm has more info. -
johndal -
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Resource type: Image
Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 8 years, 1 month ago
Viewed: 1737 times
Picture Taken: Unknown -
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