[Axwell House in Blaydon, England.]
Accession No: 07_04_000026A Call No: PR1203.S63 1790 Book Title: Specimens of the early English poets Painting Location: Fore-edge/fanned to the right Painting Title: [Axwell House in Blaydon, England.] Subject: Houses Catalog Card Transcription: Specimens of the Early English Poets. London, Printed for Edwards, Pall Mall, 1790. Crown 8vo, full vellum, gilt design within panel borders on sides, elaborate design on the back with lyres and Etruscan motif, gilt edges, by Edwards of Halifax. Under the gilt of the fore edge is a beautiful painting of the house of Sir Thomas Claverings, Oxwell Park, Northumberland whose name appears in ink on the fly leaf of the volume. Edwards of Halifax was the bookseller and binder who introduced this type of binding. Examples of his work are quite rare and eagerly sought after. It is interesting to note that Edwards' two brothers were booksellers in Pall Mall in London and that this book was printed for them. I. Edwards of Halifax. -
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Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 10 years, 7 months ago
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