St Mary's Gateshead and Newcastle Quayside, 1854
Section from an engraving of Gateshead and Newcastle Upon Tyne during the Great Fire of 6th October 1854, as depicted in the Illustrated London News on 14 October 1854. Shows St Mary's church, Gateshead on the south embankment of the Tyne and the devastated Hillgate district around it, the flames on all sides and extending westwards into Bridge Street, the east end of Pipewellgate and property on the Bankwell Stairs. Also shows rigged vessels on the Tyne in flames and buildings lining the Newcastle Quay and beyond, many on fire. The main explosion took place in warehouses on the Hillgate embankment on the west side of St Mary's. This out of copyright image is unrestricted Creative Commons - available for reuse by any person, in any way (including re-editing), in any context and without restrictions of any kind. -
Victoria Sage -
Victoria Sage (Flickr) -
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Last modified: 10 years, 3 months ago
Viewed: 1240 times
Picture Taken: Unknown -
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