Fashion Foibles (1930)
"Fashion, the will-o'-the'wisp, has only one unbreakable rule - the rule of outline. In the days of Eve, outline was unmistakable" (shot missing here). "In ancient Egypt, the rigid line seems to have been introduced, but the basic idea was the same as in Eve's case - the garment hung from the shoulder." (this shot also missing). "A distinct contrast, say, from the hard riding Amazons of the "Row" today - " L/S of women walking in the park and riding horses ("Rotten Row"?) M/S of three girls sitting on park seats. "Greece contributed the next change to fashion - her learned men seemed shocked at the scantiness of skirts, so legs went out of sight." Woman holding a lyre (?) is silhouetted against a curtain. "Quite a contrast to yesterday." M/S of a row of women's legs. One wears boots, the others shoes and stockings. One of the women stands up and walks away. "War and turmoil followed civilisation around the earth - and a thousand years ago women stayed near protective battlements and clothed themselves simply - " Shots of a woman dressed in medieval (?) clothes. "About the 15th century, when women learned to write, they exchanged ideas about clothes, and fantastic headgear and elaborate dresses were the rage -" (shot missing). "Now where are we going to? Is Eve about to lose her legs again and revert to Grecian lines? Tomorrow will decide..." M/Ss of women walking along a city street. Was an item in Eve's Film Review issue number 468. Two safety prints exist Note: Julian states that the shorter copy, although having parts of some scenes missing - is better photographically than longer copy. 90,000 historic films, all SEARCHABLE on YouTube at: Join us on Facebook at: Tweet us @britishpathe FILM ID:918.1 -
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Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 10 years, 8 months ago
Viewed: 1073 times
Picture Taken: Unknown -
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