Great Train Robbers - Inside Story (1966)
Durham. GV. Pan, Durham Prison where three of the great train robbers are serving their sentence. CU. Pan along heavily guarded and barred windows of prison. SV. Interior of prison cell, pan down from window to bed and tables. On the left of the bed is a table with eggs, pots of jam, etc. CU. Eggs and some other food on table. SV. Portable radio standing on top of a pile of Spanish books on shelf above bed. CU. Spanish books. SV. Table and corner table containing jug and basin and slippers neatly put under table. CU. Pan down from jug and basin past vest and handkerchief on bar. Pan down to slippers. AS. Warders patrolling along gantry in main security wing. SV. Prisoners sewing mail bag at machine watched by a warder. SV. Three prisoners seated sewing mail bags. CU. Prisoner sewing mail bag, pan to another prisoner sewing mail bag. GV. Pan exterior, showing barbed wire surrounding the 40 feet by 30 feet exercise yard unused since October because they say it is too small. Pan down from wire mesh separating the security wing and the recreation area. Recreation area with table tennis table in background. SV. Table tennis bat and ball on table. SV. Warder opening bookcase revealing many books on shelves. CU. Pan down various books. TV set which can be watched 4 days a week but most prisoners prefer table tennis. TV set, a warder on duty in background. SV. Travel scene as a warder patrols the upper gantry looking in the cell doors. SV. Interior, a maximum security prisoner wearing uniform with bright yellow and orange patches, in his cell, making bed. 90,000 historic films, all SEARCHABLE on YouTube at: Join us on Facebook at: Tweet us @britishpathe FILM ID:2011.01 -
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Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 10 years, 8 months ago
Viewed: 924 times
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