Rail Strike Threatens Industry (1955)
London, Mount Pleasant, & Northolt. SV. Three engines standing in locomotive yards with stream up waiting for the all clear to be given. GV. Engines in locomotive yards, & SV. SV. Foreman with his maintenance men standing alongside locomotive. SV. Two men working on engine. Slip pan. SV. Mr James Baty, General Secretary of the A.S.L.E.F. starts to speak (natural sound). He denies conflicts between the unions, he talks about conflict with government's transport commission etc. AS. Factory chimneys belching smoke. LV. Exterior, steel foundry. SV. Interior, ladle with molten being pushed into oven. SV. Sheet of steel being rolled. GTV. Shipyard workers leaving ships and coming down gangways. GV. Flying over London, showing congested traffic on roads. Nearer shot, flying over London, showing congested traffic. SV. Cars travelling towards along the Mall. CU. Sign "Metropolitan Police - to parking area", indicates where to park. SCU. Policeman directing traffic. GV. Car moving alone past parked cars. CU. Policewoman directing traffic. GV. Looking up the Mall, showing parked cars on either side. Travel shot, past parked cars along the Mall. CU. Sign "Street Parking". LV. Cars parked on both sides of the street. SV. Troops lined up ready to handle mail at Mount Pleasant post office. SV. Writing on Army lorry "Liverpool" and Royal Mail sign on windscreen. SV. Two Army trucks being loaded with mail. SV. Army Lance Corporal waiting on motorbike. SV. Troops loading mail bags into Army truck. SV. Army trucks driving out of Mount Pleasant post office. SV. Royal Air Force (RAF, R.A.F.) Transport Command plane waiting on Northolt aerodrome for mail. SV. Lorry loaded with mail bags backing up to plane. AS. Troops with Post Office official standing in doorway of plane to receive mail. CU "Royal Mail" on windscreen of lorry. SV. Throwing bags of mail from lorry into plane. GV. Congested traffic moving slowly along the Embankment. CU. Pilot speaking into mike. GV. Houses of Parliament, traffic moving across Westminster Bridge. (Neg.) (Title Scene "J") 90,000 historic films, all SEARCHABLE on YouTube at: http://www.youtube.com/britishpathe Join us on Facebook at: http://www.facebook.com/britishpathe Tweet us @britishpathe FILM ID:529.11 -
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Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0PPjSXlgWz0
Resource type: Video
Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 10 years, 7 months ago
Viewed: 1021 times
Picture Taken: Unknown -
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