6th Round F.A. Cup - Gateshead V. Bolton (1953)
Gateshead, Tyne and Wear. 3rd Division Gateshead lose 1-0 to 1st Division Bolton in FA Cup 6th Round. SV. Gateshead running onto field. CU. Gateshead supporter. SV. Bolton Wanderers team running onto field. LV. Crowd. LV. General play. SV. Bell in possession is set on by Callender Smith runs forward to help Callender, but Bell evades both, turns and has a shot, shot is blocked by Cairns who kicks upfield. LV. Play at Bolton end. SV. Gateshead man being tackled by Higgins, but player manages to tap ball over goal-line prior to slipping. SV. Supporters. LV. Play at Gateshead end. J. Callender runs for ball, together with Moir. Moir takes possession, but Callender trips him. Ref. blows up, for free kick. CU. Supporters. LV. Bolton taking free kick. Willie Moir and Johnson jump for ball. Johnson wins and heads upfield. SV. Gateshead supporters. LV. Play at Bolton end. Ball flies across goalmouth. SV. Higgins tackling Gateshead man. Ball is centred. LV. Players jump for ball. Bolton man is knocked down. Ref. blows up for foul. CU. Two supporters. LV. Bolton players standing in front of goal, as Gateshead player takes free kick. Johnson falls sideways. Ball re-bounds from wall of players. General play. LV. Crowd (HALF TIME) LV. General play at Bolton end. SV. Campbell jumps and heads, but Barrass clears up field. LV. Crowd. LV. Goalkeeper Gray pan to Moir as he shoots. But shot is stopped by March and cleared. CU. Supporter. MV. Gray in goal. He dives for header from Nat Lofthouse, pan as ball goes into net. Lofthouse runs across front of goal and is congratulated by team-mates. SV. Crowd. LV. General play around Gateshead goal. Ball cleared upfield. MV. Elevated,ball comes across from left-wing around Gateshead goal. Moir leaps and heads. Ball goes across field and back again and is headed by Bell and Gateshead player. LV. Gateshead man running down wing. He centres. Shot is intercepted by Hartle who is charged by Gateshead man. Bell rushes forward to help and Hartle and Gateshead man fall in heap. Bell jumps pair on ground and kicks upfield. Wheeler intercepts and boots ball to other end. CU. Two supporters. MV. General play at Gateshead end. (Orig.Neg.) 90,000 historic films, all SEARCHABLE on YouTube at: http://www.youtube.com/britishpathe Join us on Facebook at: http://www.facebook.com/britishpathe Tweet us @britishpathe FILM ID:62.08 -
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Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zijHOK5SgV4
Resource type: Video
Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 10 years, 6 months ago
Viewed: 1703 times
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