Special - Welcome To Cup Winners (1951)
Newcastle (Newcastle-on-Tyne), Tyneside. MV. Skipper Joe Harvey being greeted by Deputy Mayor of Newcastle on train station - Newcastle United team arriving home with the FA Cup. SV. Back view, skipper Joe Harvey being greeted by Deputy Mayor on station, & side view. Sign 'Welcome Hyem Canny Lads'. SV. Enthusiastic Newcastle supporters in crowd. SV. Joe Harvey walking out of station with Cup. SV. & SCU. Crowd cheering wildly. MV. Coach driving through crowded streets. SV. Angle shot, Newcastle team with Cup looking over top of coach. SCU. People waving. SV. Coach going through streets with footballers on top. SV. Angle shot, paper coming down from roofs. LV. & SV. Towards, paper coming down on coach, pan up to window. SV. Crowd waving. LV. Coach passing through dense crowd. Angle shot, coach. SV. Coach arriving at Newcastle ground. SCU. Man. SV. Harvey leaving coach with Cup. CU. Pan, Harvey leaving coach with Cup. Dense crowd inside ground, pan to team with Deputy Mayor, directors and other dignitaries in stand. MV. Team and others on stand. SCU. Smiling Harvey with Cup. Jackie Milburn takes seat. MV. Joe Harvey walking to mike. He addresses crowd (natural sound): "Well folks, this is the day we've lived for since we got through to Wembley. We haven't bothered about any other days until we came home today. Thanks for your wonderful reception and thanks for the supports you have given us all the season. Now I think we'll have a few words from the man everybody wants, Jackie." SV. Crowd cheering. MV. Milburn speaking (natural sound): "This is the proudest day of our lives, isn't it lads? I think we've kidded you on a bit the last week or two. We knew within ourselves what would happen when we got to Wembley. We were bags full of confidence last Saturday and anyway we daren't come back without it." SV. Crowd cheering. MV. Towards, supporters leading band and team parading around ground. SV. Cup behind stand. SV. Members of Newcastle team. SCU. Cup in procession. SV. Pressmen. SCU. Cup. (Orig.Neg.) (Orig.Track Tin 4.N.) Note - Natural sound only. 90,000 historic films, all SEARCHABLE on YouTube at: http://www.youtube.com/britishpathe Join us on Facebook at: http://www.facebook.com/britishpathe Tweet us @britishpathe FILM ID:1451.1 -
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Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5VdeYTjfRiI
Resource type: Video
Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 10 years, 8 months ago
Viewed: 862 times
Picture Taken: Unknown -
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