Whale Meat Ship 'bransfield' Home From Antarctic (1949)
Newcastle, United Kingdom. Documentation refers to Harald Johansen (Norwegian Officer), Vedel Johansen (Engineer), John Wiggins (English Officer). A newspaper cutting states more than 200 ships and 10,000 men took part in the hunt of the Antarctic whaling season. MS. Whale meat being unloaded SCU. Winch operators. MS. Whale meat being unloaded. SCU. Man waving crane driver. MS. Men checking sacks of whale meat SCU. MS. Man carrying sack of whale meat which he puts onto pile. CU. Men piling sacks (2 shots) SCU. Whale meat being taken from hold of ship. & CU. CU. Head shot of officer of Whale ship. MS. Pan down from load of Whale meat to men piling sacks into lorry. MS. SCU. Men piling sacks on lorry. (2 shots) CU. Head shot of officer CU. Woman's hand chopping up meat in canning factory. CU. Head shot of woman worker. CU. Hands chopping up meat. MS. GV. Women at work in canning factory. MS. Man pushing trolley full of tins of chopped whale meat. MS. Two women receive the trolley. SCU. The women tip tin of meat into large mincing machine. CU. Pan down from women's hands pushing meat to minced meat coming out of machine. CU. Meat coming out of mincer. MS. Girls placing can on tube for filling. CU. Cans being filled. MS. Girls placing cans on labelling machines, SV. Pan labelling machine. Cans roll down and girls pack them. SV. Girl packing cans. SV. Cans roll down. Girl picks up can and holds it towards camera. CU. Cans of various whale meat concoctions being placed on top of one another. MS. The whale meat ship - 'Bransfield' docked at Newcastle. (Mute. Orig. Neg.) Note: screen keeps jumping. 90,000 historic films, all SEARCHABLE on YouTube at: http://www.youtube.com/britishpathe Join us on Facebook at: http://www.facebook.com/britishpathe Tweet us @britishpathe FILM ID:2509.14 -
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Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJecIO-cRmY
Resource type: Video
Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 10 years, 8 months ago
Viewed: 692 times
Picture Taken: Unknown -
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