1948 A Year Of Great Decision (1948)

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    Full title reads: "PATHE REVIEWS THE YEAR - 1948 - A YEAR OF GREAT DECISION". Review of the year 1948. General view of massed crowds outside the Reichstag, Berlin. Long shot of German crowds milling round, pan to Brandenburger Tor (Gate). People in crowd talking. Old man looking at flower stalls. Close up shot of the two men talking. Close up shot of policeman and bus driver talking about Colchester Football Club. Winston Churchill and his daughter Mary Soames at his grandson's christening. Close up shot of baby in Mary's arms. Close up shot, pan, Ernest Bevin leaving Foreign Office. People looking on. Close up, back view, boys looking into window of photographers shop at Colchester Football Club team. Long shot of Colchester game against Bradford in progress - Colchester wins the match against much stronger first division team. Colchester players dribbling, ball up-field, goal. Crowd applauding. Close up shot of Colchester supporter with rattle. People of Ceylon (Sri Lanka) lined up along road. General view of flag ceremony taking place on dais at Ceylon's Independence Ceremony. Long shot of dignitaries on dais. People in crowd holding newspaper over heads protecting themselves from sun. High angle long shot of Gandhi's funeral procession - huge masses. Map showing the Communist infiltration in Europe. General view, Prague. Jan Masaryk with several other politicians. High angle long shot of red banners being paraded through streets. Close up shot of new communist president Gottwald on balcony. Sign over Italian street 'Vote Democratic.' Close up shot of a man sticking election posters on wall. Long shot of the crowds with banners listening to Communist leader Palmiro Togliatti. Close up shot of Togliatti speaking. Close up shot of Christian Democrats leader De Gasperi speaking. Long shot of crowds waving handkerchiefs. De Gasperi walking through crowds being congratulated after winning the elections. Josip Broz Tito and ministers enter room and sit down to sign a pact. Close up shot of hands sealing document. Tito rejects Soviet dominance. General view, Red Square, Moscow. Russian politicians walking along platform. Close up shot of two Russian soldiers. General view of General Zdhanov's funeral procession. Stalin, Molotov and other dignitaries walking behind gun carriage. Long shot, towards, Australian cricketer Don Bradman leading his team from pavilion to field - Australia versus England test match. Several shots of the cricket game. Crowd clapping. Long shot, pan, Australian bowler bowling English batsman. Batsman walks towards pavilion. Scoreboard '74 for 8'. Close up shot of man with hand to head. High angle long shot, English batsman walking to pavilion. Close up shot of man smoking cigarette. Compton walking to pavilion. Close up shot of Bradman putting on pullover after game. Several shots of the crowd at Downing Street. Sir Stafford Cripps holds up dispatch case - new budget concentrating on export. Close up shot of the front of new Rolls Royce. Sir Stafford Cripps in car - shot taken through windscreen. Long shot of car assembly line. Close up shot of 'Singapore' stencilled on car. Long shot of boats at quayside. Cars being loaded ready to be exported. Derrick slinging car aboard. Man operating machinery. Long shot of electric furnace in steel works. Huge piece of red hot metal being drawn from furnace. Close up shot of crane driver. Red hot metal being placed under gigantic press. Crane placing top of funnel of the 'Caronia'. Man looking on. General view of shipyard. Several long shots of shipyards with ships nearing completion at quayside. General view of skyscrapers of New York, pan to Friendship Ship. Long shot of Friendship Ship starting journey to Europe taking Marshal Aid parcels onboard. General George Marshall walks towards seat and sits down. Long shot of Ernest Bevin and Lewis Douglas signing a document. Man tying up banner 'Welcome home the Quads.' Long shot of children running towards camera. Long shot of band marching down street. Several shots of drummers. Children running from school. Long shot, pan, child runs towards Mr and Mrs Good's car - their daughter. Close up shot of old man looking on. Mrs Good alighting from car with two quadruplets. Close up shot of Mrs Good with two of the quads. Mr and Mrs Good walking up to house with quadruplets. Farmers looking on. General view of devastation in Berlin. Child playing amongst twisted girders in foreground. Two children playing among rubble. Line of kids eating. Empty railway tracks - Berlin siege. Long shot of deserted canal with barges tied alongside. Long shot of massed crowds outside Reichstag, pan to bombed Reichstag building. Long shot of General Koenig, Field Mar 90,000 historic films, all SEARCHABLE on YouTube at: http://www.youtube.com/britishpathe Join us on Facebook at: http://www.facebook.com/britishpathe Tweet us @britishpathe FILM ID:1444.34
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    Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X0WpQitekEs
    Resource type: Video
    Added by: Simon Cotterill
    Last modified: 10 years, 3 months ago
    Viewed: 915 times
    Picture Taken: Unknown
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