Gardner Vs Sckena (1952)
St. James' Hall, Newcastle on Tyne, England. Teddy Gardner, wins the European flyweight boxing title. GV. of fight. SV. Balding Gardner is fought off by Louis Sckena but Gardner with two handed attack fights Sckena against ropes. Then open fighting. LV. Fight in progress. Shot of second watching from outside ring. SV. Gardner punishing Sckena. SV. Gardner takes the fight to Sckena --- heads collide. SV. Sckena rolls on floor gets up holding head. They carry on fighting, Gardner following Sckena .... Sckena covering up but a right to the head sends him down. He tries to get up and then staggers round ring before collapsing. He is led to Corner still holding head. CU Teddy Gardner. (Orig. Neg. ) (Title Scene "F") Selected Originals exist for this item - see other records. 90,000 historic films, all SEARCHABLE on YouTube at: Join us on Facebook at: Tweet us @britishpathe FILM ID:15.09 -
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Resource type: Video
Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 10 years, 8 months ago
Viewed: 913 times
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