Look Back On 1922 (1922)
Item title reads - Look back on 1922. A review of the most important events of the year. Intertitle - 'Do you remember? In January - The huge fire in Hartlepool.' M/S of the fire blazing away, the camera pans across it. M/S of wrecked homes, the camera pans down what is left of the buildings, a few walls are still standing, there is rubble in front of them. Intertitle - 'Pope Benedict died and Pope Pius was elected.' M/S of Pope Pius XI speaking to Cardinals, people kneel as he passes. L/S of St. Peter's Square in Rome, full of people, the camera pans slowly across them. L/S of Pope Pius on the balcony at the Vatican. Intertitle - 'Do you remember? In February - Irish Peace was signed and British Troops commenced leaving Ireland.' L/S of the troops packing up and preparing to go. Intertitle - 'How we cheered Princess Mary on her wedding day.' L/S as the royal coach drives past cheering crowds into the grounds of Buckingham Palace. L/S of crowds waving. M/S of Princess Mary, her husband Viscount Lascelles (the Earl of Harewood), King George V and Queen Mary on the balcony, together with another lady (groom's mother ?) Intertitle - 'Do you remember? In April - Dempsey was with us.' M/S as people stand around boxer Jack Dempsey and wave their hats in the air while he smiles and waves. C/U of him smiling. M/S as he hands out autographs from the train window. Intertitle - 'Sir Ross Smith met tragic death.' M/S of Sir Ross Smith standing around a map with some other men. M/S of him stood with two other men in front of an aeroplane. Intertitle - 'Do you remember? In May - Sir Henry Wilson was murdered.' M/S of Field Marshal Sir Henry Wilson walking down a line of soldiers, he salutes at the end. C/U profile as he salutes. M/S of soldiers walking along by the side of a train carrying their kit. Intertitle - 'Gandhi - notorious Indian agitator imprisoned.' M/S as Gandhi climbs up onto a platform. C/U of his face, he smiles and talks to people around him. Intertitle - 'and all eyes were on the Genoa Conference.' M/S as David Lloyd George walks down a set of steps accompanied by other conference delegates. M/S of Lloyd George stood with his wife (?), there are various other people in the background. Intertitle - 'King and Queen visited Belgium.' M/S of children all waving Union Jacks. M/S of King George V riding in a carriage with King Albert I of Belgium. L/S as the procession moves up the street. M/S as Queen Mary and King George V walk up steps followed by other dignitaries and officials. Intertitle - 'And the wedding of Lord Louis Mountbatten and Miss Edwina Ashley.' M/S as the couple emerge from the church under an arch of swords, two little bridesmaids carry the train, they are followed by others. M/S of the wedding party posing for a photograph, Prince Edward, Prince of Wales, stands by the bride. C/U of Louis and Edwina together. Intertitle - 'and General Michael Collins was murdered.' M/S of Collins making a speech. Intertitle - 'and our Prince came home.' L/S as crowds line the streets as the royal carriage drives along under Marble Arch then through some gates. M/S as Prince Edward, Prince of Wales, in military uniform waves his hat at the crowds from the balcony of Buckingham Palace. Intertitle - 'of course you remember our wonderful pictures of the Burning of Smyrna in October.' L/S of smoke billowing up from buildings by the sea, M/S of people in rowing boats while buildings burn in the background, the camera pans across them. Intertitle - 'Do you remember? In September - war peril developed in Turkey.' L/S of troops marching along the streets while other men walk at the side. C/U of a man in military uniform (Ataturk ?). Intertitle - 'and November saw Mr Bonar Law and Conservatives defeat Mr Lloyd George and the coalition at the General Election.' L/S's of huge crowds gathered for the results (in Leicester Square ?). L/S of Cabinet members sitting around a table, M/S of Bonar Law stood up talking to them. C/U of him sat down talking to one of his colleagues. Intertitle - 'and you can rely on the Pathe Gazette giving you all the news of 1923.' Intertitle - 'The new Pope Pius XI imparts his first Apostolic blessing on the city and the world from balcony of the Vatican - the first time a Pope has appeared in public since 1870.' Rome. Italy. L/S of large crowds of people gathered under umbrellas in St. Peter's Square, the camera pan across them. L/S as Pope Pius XI comes out onto the Vatican balcony. Intertitle - 'Victory Bonds libel trial surprise - large crowds at the Old Bailey, see case come to sensational end, when Mr Bottomley offers no evidence.' London. M/S of a queue of people stood outside, 90,000 historic films, all SEARCHABLE on YouTube at: http://www.youtube.com/britishpathe Join us on Facebook at: http://www.facebook.com/britishpathe Tweet us @britishpathe FILM ID:294.14 -
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Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MhhW31T4VR0
Resource type: Video
Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 10 years, 8 months ago
Viewed: 1124 times
Picture Taken: Unknown -
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