044601:Blackett Street Newcastle upon Tyne Unknown 1928
Type : Lantern Slide Description : A view of Blackett Street taken in 1928. The photograph has been taken from New Bridge Street looking along Blackett Street towards the YMCA building. It is a busy street scene. People are crossing the road in the foreground and a policeman is on point duty. Tram lines and wires can be seen. Cars a no.38 tram and a cyclist are travelling along the road. In the centre to the left is 'Northern Goldsmiths' jewellers shop which is on the corner of Blackett Street and Pilgrim Street. To the left of 'Northern Goldsmiths' is 'Gullachsen -
Newcastle Libraries -
Newcastle libraries (Flickr) -
What does this mean? Public Domain Mark -
Further information
Link: https://www.flickr.com/photos/39821974@N06/4080899309/
Resource type: Image
Last modified: 8 years, 1 month ago
Viewed: 719 times
Picture Taken: Unknown -
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