CHURCH OF ST ANNE - Bishop Auckland - List Entry
Chapel of ease, with railings and gate attached. Incorporating community centre since 1985. On site of medieval chapel. 1846-8. Designed by William Thompson. Built by William Edgar. Alterations 1867, and internal alterations 1893. MATERIALS: coursed squared sandstone with ashlar plinth, quoins and dressings. Graduated Lakeland slate roof with stone gable copings. PLAN: chancel with north organ chamber and south vestry, aisled 4-bay nave with south porch, and west belfry. ....Octagonal pulpit with brass handrails, octagonal font of painted stone dated 1892, gift of the children of the Barrington School, with C17 style carved wood cover dated 1893 gift of the teachers. Choir pews have poppyheads and pierced flowing tracery, nave pews have shaped ends with nailhead decoration. Glass with heraldic devices, including arms of Bishop Cosin in west windows, set in clear lights. East window memorial to John Proud and his wife Ellen d.1905 & 1882, figures set in grisaille and signed Percy Bacon Bros 11 Newman Street London. The church paid for by public subscription, including 1,000 guineas from Bishop Maltby.... -
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Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 3 days, 4 hours ago
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