Bastle (remains of ), Upper Denton
"The Bastle at Upper Denton is Scheduled Monument 27671. Upper Denton is a small village in northern Cumbria, not far from the Scottish border.The Bastle, a ruined late medieval fortified house, once served as the vicarage for the nearby church.The structure had deteriorated seriously and parts had collapsed. In view of its condition, it was added to the Buildings at Risk Register in 2004. The owners commissioned a structural engineer experienced in dealing with historic structures to draw up a specification for repairing the building. Negotiations with English Heritage resulted in an offer to grant-aid 80 per cent of the work, as a result of which the Bastle has been repaired and removed from the latest edition of the Register. {Source:}" Photo by Mike Quinn, 2009. -
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Resource type: Image
Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 10 hours, 59 minutes ago
Viewed: 10 times
Picture Taken: 2009-09-09 -
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