Boundary stone at Scraith Head
"Scraith Head is the col between Burnhope Seat, the moorland hill rising into the distance and Harwood Common. The boundary stone is very well crafted and has inscriptions on all four faces; the south-west face, sunlit, has DC, the shadowed face has EC; opposite DC is GH. The fourth face has numerals, presumably the date, 1880. The stone was first seen by the photographer, decades ago, toppled. As can be seen it's none too secure now having a distinct lean; it wobbles too!" Photo by Trevor Littlewood, 2016. -
Trevor Littlewood -
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Resource type: Image
Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 5 hours, 54 minutes ago
Viewed: 7 times
Picture Taken: 2016-09-22 -
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