Rudge, Martin & Baker at Carlisle Cemetery
"These three men were part of a notorious gang. In 1885, after burgling Netherby Hall near Longtown , they seriously wounded three policemen whilst fleeing through Carlisle. The next day they were spotted at Plumpton, where they shot and killed the village constable (see [[172463]]). They were captured soon afterwards. For more information, see,%20Martin%20and%20Baker%20gang.pdf . Rudge, Martin & Baker were hanged at Carlisle Gaol, and buried in the grounds. In the late 1920s (when the gaol was closed) their remains were transferred to unmarked graves somewhere at the back of this section of Carlisle Cemetery (information from a leaflet obtained at the cemetery). The stone in this photo is presumably just for interest. A wider view of its location is shown here [[6176415]]." Photo by Rose and Trev Clough, 2017. -
Rose and Trev Clough -
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Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 1 month, 1 week ago
Viewed: 65 times
Picture Taken: 2017-07-30 -
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