Old Gravestones in St Michael's Churchyard
"The stone on the left marks the grave of Rowland Briggs and his wife, Margret. He died in 1733 aged 82. The stone on the right marks the grave of Robert Hutton of Etterby who died in 1761 in his 79th year. His wife Margret shares the grave, having died in 1763 aged 79." Photo by Mary and Angus Hogg, 2015. -
Mary and Angus Hogg -
Geograph (Geograph) -
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Link: http://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/4322855
Resource type: Image
Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 2 months ago
Viewed: 51 times
Picture Taken: 2015-01-24 -
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