SNOOTY FOX TAVERN - Kirkby Lonsdale - List Entry
Late C17 or early C18 inn. Three storeys. Plastered. Slate roof. Four chimneys. Plinth and rusticated quoins. Windows with sills and plain reveals. Two on ground floor coupled. All but left hand ground floor sashed with all glazing bars, though two on second floor were until recently blind. Doorway with wooden architrave which formally had consoled hood over. Six panel door. Passageway to right hand side with segmental chamfered head recently closed off. Interior. Ground floor considerably altered but retains one large corbelled chimney- piece with moulded surround and cornice, incised keystone and two round headed niches in either jamb. To left of this a fitted spice cupboard with "R.P. 1711" on door..... -
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Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 2 months, 1 week ago
Viewed: 68 times
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