KINGS ARMS - Kirkby Lonsdale - List Entry
C16 or early C17 inn, refaced C18, now three properties. Three storeys. Rubble, Nos 5 and 7 plastered. Slate roof. Five chimneys. Irregular facade of four gabled bays to street with addition to right hand side over yard entrance. Quoins to left hand side. Third bay is narrower than the others and has windows with sills and plain reveals. The others have windows with plain stone surrounds, tripartite to first and fourth bays, coupled to second bay. Those to No 7 sashed, to Nos 5 and 9 sashed with all glazing bars....Although an inn since Cl7, this group was built as the manor house of the town, with a recessed centre and wings. It has suffered severely since 1934 when RCHM reported two five light windows at rear and a moulded C17 ceiling.... -
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Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 2 months ago
Viewed: 38 times
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