St George, Jesmond
Parish church, 1888 by T.R. Spence; paid for by Charles Mitchell. Sandstone ashlar with plinth; graduated Lakeland slate roof with stone gable copings. Aisled nave with south porch and west baptistry; aisled chancel; south-east tower and vestry. C13 style with Venetian campanile. Panelled and glazed recessed double door in gabled porch with ornate iron gates; tall 2-light west and 3-light east windows have bar tracery; lancets in aisles, baptistry and vestry; plate tracery 2-light clerestory windows. Tall tower has long, transomed belfry lancets with shafts; corbel table under pyramidal roof; similar roof to vestry. Interior: 5-bay arcades have round piers with high moulded plinths and moulded capitals; moulded 2-centred arches. Enriched throughout with Art-and Craft decorative work of outstanding quality including bronze statue of St. George in canopied niche, designed by Spence, in west wall filled with Caen stone carved in crocketed tracery and niches. Whole of west window and figures of east window designed by John W. Brown (from Newcastle but then at Church St., Stoke Newington); other glass by C. W. Mitchell, son of the donor. 2 west aisle windows made by O'Neil Bros., London; other windows made by Gateshead Stained Glass Co. Mosaic lining of chancel y Spence with figures designed by C. W. Mitchell and executed by Rust and Co., London. Wrought iron, brass and copper by Alfred Shirley, Cable Street, London; marble altar, reredos and font by Emley and Co., Newcastle; oak pulpit by Ralph Hedley, screens by him and Messrs. Robson and Co., Newcastle. Stencilled decoration to wagon roof of nave; painted square-panelled chancel roof; stencilled aisle roofs. Bronze memorial tablet signed by Frampton commemorates Charles Mitchell, who was partner to Lord Armstrong, and has marble and enamel decoration. The whole remarbly well preserved. Source: Newcastle Daily Journal 13 October 1888; Newcastle Daily Chronicle of same date; W. F. Dendy 'An Account of Jesmond 'Archaeologia Aeliana 3 I (1904) 183-5." rel="noreferrer nofollow"> -
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Added by: Pat Thomson
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Picture Taken: 2023-08-22T14:28:48 -
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