Holy Trinity Church, Startforth
"Holy Trinity church sits on the southern edge of Startforth on the western side of the B6277 as it leaves the village. The church is a Victorian rebuild which was completed in 1863. The style used is Early English although Pevsner devotes only a few lines to it. There was clearly nothing significant architecturally in the building although its spire is a rather handsome addition to the skyline. The church sits behind a mid-height stone wall and access is through an attractive lychgate. There are a few trees in the graveyard which rather restrict viewing." Photo by Colin Kinnear, 2020. -
Colin Kinnear -
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Link: http://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/6606588
Resource type: Image
Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 5 months ago
Viewed: 75 times
Picture Taken: 2020-09-15 -
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