Swinhope Primitive Methodist Chapel Allendale Northumberland
"The chapel was erected in 1845 and remodelled in 1884 Swinhope Primitive Methodist Chapel Allendale Northumberlandzoom Swinhope Primitive Methodist Chapel Allendale Northumberlandzoom Swinhope Primitive Methodist Chapel Allendale Northumberlandzoom Note the spelling of the word chapelzoom Note the spelling of the word chapel Photo of Swinhope Chapel in the distancezoom Photo of Swinhope Chapel in the distance View from the front door of Swinhope Chapel across the Allendale Valleyzoom View from the front door of Swinhope Chapel across the Allendale Valley Swinhope: Return from the Primitive Methodist chapel in the 1851 Census of Places of Public Religious Worship | transcribed by David Tonkszoom Swinhope: Return from the Primitive Methodist chapel in the 1851 Census of Places of Public Religious Worship transcribed by David Tonks In 2015 Swinhope is an isolated hamlet. Once a thriving lead mining area the families here would have attended the tiny Primitive Methodist chapel. Today in 2015 the chapel (now a house) sits on its own overlooking the surrounding countryside. However, this chapel is remembered for events which took place in 1849. Most of the people in the Allen Dales were employed in the lead mining industry. As this grew so did Methodism and as many as 20 chapels were built in the Dale Swinhope being one of them....." -
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Link: https://www.myprimitivemethodists.org.uk/content/chapels/northumberland/o-z/swinhope_primitive_methodist_chapel_allendale_northumberland
Resource type: Text/Website
Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 10 months, 1 week ago
Viewed: 152 times
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