Annetwell Street/Abbey Street, June 2017
"Annetwell Street, on the left in this view, has been largely obliterated - the entire north side was lost 1972-3 to make way for Castle Way, the inner ring-road scheme. Only the yellow painted building and its immediate neighbour survive from the early 19th Century - beyond that are the modern studios of BBC Cumbria and beyond that a modern extension to the Tullie House Museum. Photograph is for record only - I have no connection with any business seen in this view and cannot advise on their products or services." Photo by The Carlisle Kid, 2017. -
The Carlisle Kid -
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Resource type: Image
Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 10 months, 2 weeks ago
Viewed: 128 times
Picture Taken: 2017-06-25 -
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