1-15, GALLOWGATE - Newcastle - List Entry
"Shops and offices. Late C19. Brick with ashlar ground floor and dressings; Welsh slate roof with corner copper turret. 4 storeys and attic; corner bay and 9 bays. Rusticated pilasters frame shops. Left corner bank entrance of double panelled door and overlight flanked by columns supporting round arch; office door in arched entrance in bay no. 7....Part of town wall (q.v.) abuts on rear...." -
Historic England -
Local (Co-Curate) -
What does this mean? Unknown license check permission to reuse -
Further information
Link: https://historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/list-entry/1024862
Resource type: Text/Website
Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 11 months, 3 weeks ago
Viewed: 225 times
Picture Taken: Unknown -
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