Christ Church, Hepple
"....Sir Walter Buchanan Riddell, the 10th baronet holding the title, died in 1892, and in his will left some money for the purpose of building a church and a school at Hepple. This sum was supplemented by his nephew and successor, Sir John Walter Buchanan Riddell, who also gave the site on which the church is built, and an acre of land as a burial ground. The school, designed to accommodate 80 pupils, was built on the opposite side of the road. The school closed in 1969 and it is now used as the village hall. The church and burial ground were consecrated June 5th, 1897, by the first Lord Bishop of Newcastle, Ernest Roland Wilberforce. The church was designated as a chapel-at-ease within the ecclesiastical parish of Rothbury. A brass plate in the wall near the pulpit bears the following inscription :—“ To the Glory of God, the honour of His Church, and in Memory of Sir Walter Buchanan Riddell, Bart., The Pious founder of Christ Church and the School at Hepple. Born 1810, died 1892; May he rest in eternal peace.” Building was carried out by C. Hodgson Fowler using local stone..." -
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Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 8 months, 3 weeks ago
Viewed: 83 times
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