Steam Engine, Stott Park Bobbin Mill
"The steam engine, built by Bradleys of Brighouse. The engine's boiler was fuelled by timber off-cuts, shavings and turnings from the mill. The engine room was added when the mill was expanded (ca late 1860s). It is a simple type of steam engine which was installed to supplement, rather than replace, the original water turbine. It was needed because the new machines were heavier and faster and also because a consistent supply of water is needed to drive the machines and during the summer moths, when there is most daylight, there is least water in the stream." Photo by David Dixon, 2014. -
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Resource type: Image
Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 1 year, 1 month ago
Viewed: 156 times
Picture Taken: 2014-05-23 -
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