22 people killed in Darlington train crash (1928)
Video Roll Title: 22 killed in terrible train smash at Darlington: 66ft Train Disaster at Darlington (NOTE - The Darlington train crash occured on 27 June 1928). Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION CAPTION - TERRIBLE RAILWAY TRAGEDY - AT DARLINGTON , 22 KILLED AND MANY INJURED IN HEAD- ON CRASH BETWEEN EXCURSION AND PARCELS TRAIN Darlington , Co Durham. England , June `1928 Pan across railway tracks ,men trying to clear wreckage of steam trains/ crane in the background / man climbing into window of carriage and using saw / front of one of the steam trains /railway workers looking at wreckage CAPTION - THE WORST DISASTER FOR 22 YEARS , WITH THE EXCEPTION OF THE GRETNA SMASH IN 1915 One railway carriage shunting onto another / men /investigators / view from inside damaged railway carriage / crane lifting wreckage /side of parcels waggon with "NE " Background: Video Roll Title: 22 killed in terrible train smash at Darlington: 66ft Train Disaster at Darlington (NOTE - The Darlington train crash occured on 27 June 1928). FILM ID: VLVAJY9O7DGNXJWZ3Z26RQH3ZOSX To license this film, visit https://www.britishpathe.com Archive: Reuters Archive managed by: British Pathé -
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Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kJkdIlkZWM8
Resource type: Video
Last modified: 1 year, 4 months ago
Viewed: 359 times
Picture Taken: Unknown -
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